
Just for fun

A week or two ago I saw a post on Boing Boing about the first book in author Naomi Novik's Temeraire series being available as a free eBook at Suvudu Free Book Library. Though I've never read any fantasy (unless you count Lord of the Rings or Harry Potter), I decided to give it a try, since my friend Karley is constantly hassling me to get into series like Twilight and Eragon. Well, I read the book, His Majesty's Dragon (yes, it's a crappy title), and I loved it so much I immediately went to the library and checked out the second book in the series, Throne of Jade. I am having so much fun reading these books--and, despite my recent Fitzgerald binge, coincidentally had so little fun reading This Side of Paradise--I haven't had any great literary thoughts to share here. So, if you're bored enough to check my blog for updates, do yourself a favor and go download His Majesty's Dragon and have a little fun.

Oh, and give me a pat on the back for manually formatting the html in this post. I'm learning.